Winters Heating, Highworth, SN6 7HJ


If you would like to enquire about a woodburner installation, you can get in touch using this contact form or via 

Or you can telephone us on:

01793 764046 (please note, our telephone is not working at present, so please email us with any enquiries)

You are welcome to contact us between 9.00am to 9.00pm, 7 days a week. We always respond quickly to emails and answerphone messages.

When first emailing, please save time by telling us as much information as possible, and giving us a contact number. It is really useful if you can send dimensions and a photo of your fireplace as well as an image of the chimney if applicable.

Covid-19: Mark is continuing to carry out installations whilst complying with government guidelines; much of his work requires being on a roof where social distancing isn’t a problem! However, he is mindful of the guidance when visiting people’s homes, and when installing an appliance he asks that he is left to work on his own in the room. Quotations can sometimes be provided without a site visit if customers email full details of what is required and photographs of the fireplace, chimney, and access.