Maintaining Your Stove


You should have your chimney swept at least once a year, depending on how often you use your stove. This ensures that the wood burner operates safely and efficiently. A good chimney sweep will check your stove over as well as cleaning the flue, to make sure that all the components are intact and working correctly.

If you are in the Swindon area we recommend Dusty Sweeps.

Most modern stoves are fitted with airwash systems to help keep the glass clean, but you can assist by cleaning the glass regularly (as well as burning dry and seasoned wood). There are special chemical sprays for the job, but these are expensive and not environmentally friendly. A mixture of ash and water is a free and effective  cleaner, and vinegar also works well (but does make your house smell like a fish and chip shop!). We use Astonish oven cleaner, which is very inexpensive and works really well.